Ok, seriously this gets a little out of hand sometimes in Death and Black Metal.

Fucking Brutal or is it "Br00tal"? How about fucking unreadable!
Yes, some of these are still readable but it has reached a point where even Metal Sucks has made a contest out of fucking completely unreadable band logos that no human being in their existence could ever decipher unless they know fucking hieroglyphs or understand a lot about symbology... seriously what the flying fuck goes on here?
Just dropping my two cents here people. If I like a band, the sound, the energy, the lyrics or whatever is it that caught my attention I need to know its fucking name so I can actually go around and say "Hey X or Y band is awesome, go check 'em out" instead of, "Well fuck I heard this band the other day but between the unholy growls and the unreadable logo I never caught their name".
And I'm being honest here dudes and dudettes, if you're playing I'm sure you're having a good time but I'm also sure, 90% sure, that you're doing this for the money and if that's the case think about it, take off your Brutal Hardhat by the way, and you'll see a little bit of logic in it.
since when is black metal all about legibility?
ReplyDeleteNever, applies to all modern bands nowadays.